An Overview of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Women’s Specialists of Plano specializes in pelvic floor dysfunction and vaginal prolapse in women living in the communities of Plano, Frisco and Dallas, Texas. When Jean, a 74-year old resident of Plano, Texas, began having unusual and at times frightening symptoms during bowel movements, she decided to make an appointment with Women’s Specialists of Plano.  “What should have been an everyday normal bodily function for anyone, created stress and anxiety for me because every time I attempted to take a bowel movement, I felt as if my internal organs were coming out—and in most cases, they were,” said Jean.

Jean’s OBGYN, Dr. Murray Fox, diagnosed her condition as pelvic floor dysfunction, or in her case a vaginal prolapse. It is a common disorder seen by the entire group of doctors at WSOP including Drs. Jules Monier, Dennis Eisenberg, and Daryl Greebon.

What is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a condition in which the muscles that uphold the reproductive and digestive organs of a female weaken and fail to work properly. The immediate result of this muscle failure is “falling of the female organs”, or a sensation of pelvic pressure or an actual falling of the organs dropping through the vagina. Difficulty passing stools and urinary incontinence are the most common immediate symptoms eventually causing pain, and even more alarming symptoms such as what Jean was experiencing.  With the insertion of a vaginal pessary, Jean’s symptoms went away and she was able to resume life as normal.

During the early stages of pelvic floor dysfunction, it may be possible to re-strengthen the pelvic muscles through physical therapy and repair the damage before the dysfunction progresses. But due to the nature of the symptoms, it is commonly missed at an early stage, and the dysfunction becomes much worse.

When pelvic floor dysfunction is not treated properly or immediately it can cause problems of much larger proportions such as:

  • Cystocele- The protrusion of the bladder into, and at times through the vagina.
  • Rectocele- The protrusion of the rectum into, and at times through the vagina.
  • Enterocele- The protrusion of the bowel into, and at times through the vagina.
  • Urethrocele- The protrusion of the urethra into, and at times through the vagina.
  • Vaginal Prolapse- The protrusion of the top of the vagina into the lower portion of the vagina completely inverting it. (This is most common in post-hysterectomy patients.)

Statistics suggest that 40% of women between 60-80 years of age will experience some degree of pelvic floor dysfunction or vaginal prolapse. At this age the dysfunction is the resort of multiple things including age, gravity, number of children, constipation, childbirth etc. However, it is important to note that 1 of every 3 women of 25 and up will suffer from the dysfunction as well. The most common causes being pregnancy, obesity, vaginal delivery, and menopause.

If you begin to notice symptoms that lead you to believe that you may be suffering from any degree of pelvic floor dysfunction, consult with your physician as soon as possible. Pelvic floor dysfunction is diagnosed through a series of testing. Your doctor will begin their testing with a careful study of your medical history, symptoms, and physically or emotionally traumatic experiences that could be contributing to the physical and emotional pain of this disorder. Specific tests will be administered to determine which muscles are not properly performing their job.

Vaginal Prolapse Treatment Options

Pelvic floor dysfunction may be treated with specialized physical therapy known as biofeedback if the dysfunction is found at an early stage. With biofeedback, a person may be able to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and remind the body to perform these tasks as it should. Approximately 75% of individuals with pelvic floor dysfunction experience significant improvement with biofeedback.

Many times, pelvic floor dysfunction patients and those suffering from vaginal prolapse will need corrective surgery.  Using a vaginal pessary or a mesh device is often effective for curing the problem. A vaginal pessary can be inserted into the vagina to support the prolapsed organs. Meshes to secure organs into place are also commonly used. Using sutures, a mesh is used to help keep the bladder, uterus or other pelvic organs secure.  Using a pessary or a mesh will commonly alleviate symptoms.

If you are experiencing unusual symptoms that you believe may be associated with pelvic floor dysfunction, consult with your doctor and learn about the treatment options that are available to help you with your specific situation.

To learn more about pelvic floor dysfunction, or to discuss your vaginal prolapse symptoms with a physician at Women’s Specialists of Plano, please contact our Plano, Frisco and Dallas, Texas area office.